

Tutorial; Meadow Of Blue Flowers

It's again tutorial time as I promised! :)

"Meadow Of Blue Flowers"
" - - The mystical, eerie light of the full moon reflected blue hue of the tiny flowers and made them almost glow.
- - I was lying on the ground; on the meadow of blue flowers. I felt free - like if there wasn't a single bad thing in the world anymore. - -"

(Quote; (c) Riina Järvinen 2007-2010. I took the artists'/author's freedom with the translation.)

Start this look with primer;

Add your sky blue shadow (MUG "poolside") to your lid, but leave inner corner empty;

Fill the inner corner with lighter blue-ish green (Meow cosmetics IdealEyes in "Mischievious"). If you're using this particular shadow, adding a white base can help the shadow to show more vibrantly;

Lighten the "Mischievious" by adding tiny amount of pure white shadow on top of it (I also put it into my browbone area);

Now, add darkest blue (MUG "Ocean Breeze") to the outer corner and blend inwards so that there aren't any harsh lines between the different blues;

Darken the most outer part with a black shadow (MUG "Corrupt") ---> Blend well with that same dark blue on your brush which you used in a previous step;

Line the lower waterline with white and upper lashline with black liquid liner. Also smudge the dark blue to the lower lashline (only one third if you have small eyes like I do);

At this point I startet to have THECNICAL DIFICULTIES so this is the picture from the "original look", but just Add mascara and false lashes (Red Cherry #600). + add highlights;


Numbers indicates the places of each shadow/shade. (ignore the typo :DD)


* MUG "Poolside"
* MUG "Ocean Breeze"
* MUG "Corrupt"
* MUG "Vanilla Bean"
* MUG "Shimma Shimma"
* Sugarpill "Tako"
* Meow Cosmetics "Mischievious"
* Red Cherry False Lashes #600

Hope you liked it Lil' Readers! And if you did, Vote "Love" @Makeup Geek! :)
If you have any questions about the look or the products, leave a comment or e-mail to me!


Tutorial Announcement

Hi!!! :)

Next week I'm going to do again some NEW looks, but also I'm going to do step-by-step tutorials for these two looks:

"Meadow Of Blue Flowers"
"Meadow Of Blue Flowers"


"Sun Cocktail"

You can also find these looks from Makeup Geek :) Vote "Love" if you... well Love ;}



I just got home from Cosmetology school interview! I have a little feeling that it went pretty well :) (something positive for once wit my education plans). YAY.
Oh well the exam they had right from the begining was little hard for me 'cause it had so much math in it. :/
But maybe I got even some point from that. :)
At least I did my best and that's all that matters, right?

The people who interviewed me, were really nice. I didn't felt myself intimidated or anything like that. It was more like a pleasant conversation. (at least I fel that way.) I was quite surprised actually that I felt really relaxed, 'cause sometimes I can feel like I'm been GRILLED! :DD

It wasn't like some police interrogating;

"Where we're you last night!!!!"
"Answer me!!!"
"Have you any idea what cosmotology does!!?"


"Amm, amm, Ermm. In what should I answer first?" *Stammers and looks the interviewer with humble look on her eyes*


" I ask the questions here!"

"Okay!" *Shivers like a scared chihuahua*

Haha :'D
Yeah nothing like that!

Now I just have to wait for june to know if I made it into the school! Praying every night. :)

And now I'm also telling little bit about the exam in finnish, 'cause I know there are people who are always wondering what kind of it is. For other Lil' readers, THANK YOU for reading! you can always e-mail or leave a comment. :)
Ps. Stay tune for new looks now that the interview is over. (I got new goodies from Meow cosmetics and also waiting my BH palette! ;))


NONIIIN suomalaiset, kerron vähän yksityiskohtaisemmin siis kauneudenhoito alan valintakokeesta/haastattelusta. Ositttain siksi, että kun itse tästä koulutuksesta hain tietoja, kukaan ei ikinä ollut vaivautunut omia kokemuksiaan kokeesta kertomaan. (toivottavasti tämä ei ole mitenkään kiellettyä ja kukaan ei ole siksi kertonut... O_o)

ELI siis kauneudenhoito alalla haku etenee siten, että tietenkin lähetät kaikki nettihakemukset sinne ja valitset sen mieluisimman koulun ykköseksi.
Tehdään nyt vielä selväksi siis:



Voit siis kyllä jatkokoulutukseksi hankkia Estenomin koulutuksen kosmarikoulutuksen päälle (niinkuin minä aion tehdä jos pääsen kouluun), mutta liian usein näkee netissä kuinka ihmiset ovat kirjoittaneet; "Haen ammattikorkeakouluun kauneudenhoito alalla kosmetologiksi, mitä pitää haastattelussa tietää?"
(No ensinnäkin, tarkasta tiedot, mihin olet hakemassa äläkä ainakaan estenomi koulutuksessa sano, että estenomi on sama kuin kosmetologi.)
TAI "Estenomi eli kosmetologi" (Eli siis vielä kerran, ei sama asia.)
Yleensä Kosmetologit ja parturi-kampaajat hyötyvät Estenomi koulutuksesta enemmän kuin ne jotka ilman kumpaakaan koulutusta sinne lähtevät (ja useassa tapauksessa kuulemma on sitten tyhjän päältä lähtevät menneet estenomi koulutuksen jälkeen hakemaan kuitenkin sen kosmarikoulutuksen aikuisopistosta.)


Kun hakemus on mennyt kouluun, saat siletä erikseen kutsun haastatteluun ja pääsykokeeseen, mikäli vain todistuksen keskiarvo(t) on tarpeeksi pisteitä antaneet. Tänä vuonna tähän kyseiseen kouluun oli yhteensä kauneudenhoitoalalle hakenut ensisijaisena YLI 150! (eli kasvava ala.)
(kauneudenhoito alaanhan siis lukeutuu myös Parturi-kampaaja koulutus)

KOE (mihin varautua);

- Kielikoe (ulkomaalaisille ja pakollinen)

- Kirjallinen koe, jossa voi olla esim laskutehtäviä ja ongelmanratkaisua (tämä oli aivan ensimmäisenä ja kesti 30 min. hyvin lyhyt aika ja melko paljon laskutehtäviä sekä kyseltiin myös ammatista johon olet hakemassa koulutusta.)

- Haastattelu: Tässä osiossa yleensä mitataan hakijan motiivia hakeutua alalle, soveltuvuutta sekä tietoja koulutuksesta (ehkä koulustakin) johon on hakemassa.
Aika peruskauraa, minua eivät ainakaan mitenkään tuntuneet "hiillostavan", mutta hyvin monipuolisia vastauksia ainakin omasta mielestä annoinkin jokaiseen kysymykseen, joten en tiedä johtuiko osittain siitä.
Jos olet vähän pidempää kotoisin, kysyvät tietenkin että millä aiot kouluun kulkea. (Minulta kysyivät.)
Perheestä ja harrastuksista tulevat olemaan myös kiinnostuneita jonkin verran ja tietenkin tahtovat tietää mitä jo ammatista tiedät johon olet hakemassa.

Haastattelun aiheet riippuvat paljolti haastattelijasta, psykologista joka sen mahdollisesti tekee myös osittain ja koulusta johon haet.
Tärkeintä on muistaa, että haastattelijat "lukevat" koko ajan sinua ja tekevät päätelmiä persoonastasi ja soveltuvuudestasi siinä samalla kun puhut ja vastailet.

HUOM! Kun haastattelija kysyy onko SINULLA kysyttävää, KYSY jotakin (esim, koulusta, koulupäivistä, kursseista.) Esitä kiinnostunutta! Itse esitin kysymyksiä ja sain näin keskusteluun uusia aiheita ja haastattelun aiheita, sain kerrottua lisää itsesäni. :)

Saatan olla vielä niin huojentunu koko seikasta, että haastattelu on nyt ohi etten tajunnut tarpeeksi selvsti ilmaista koko kokemusta, joten jos tahdot kysyä jotain vielä tarkemmin niin laita vaan sähköpostia osotteeseen mikä löytyy sivun oikeasta laidasta! Vastaan mielelläni. :)



Important Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow a school interview for Cosmetology degree. Fingers cross. :P
Going to be loooooong day.
Wish me good luck!

(c) Riina Järvinen


Cosmetology Info Event

Waah, I'm exhausted X_x
I didn't sleep well.... (well I did sleep well enough, but I was forced to get up too early. ;( ) And on top of that I had a COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL INFO of adult schooling! (Now I want to study that field even more! <3)
Why on earth I applied to Uni. last summer?!?!
(Well thanks to 'wrong' choices I now know what I want to be.) Been philosophical here.  

This was my first time to visit this particular school. It was HUUUUUGE and so neat!
There are different buildings E.g for Beauty/Cosmetology, Nursing, Bakers (for some restaurant chefs... I don't know what they are called! :D haha.)
Just quess did I enter the wrong building at first???
If you answered 'YES', it's the right answer!!! Golden star for you! ;)
But fortunately I didn't run in the hallways like a headless chicken.
When leaving there at the end of the info event I only thought: "I WANT TO STUDY HERE!" <3
The place was cool, the degree is what I want and the teachers seemed so nice and couraging.
Me likey >_<


Anyway, I was quite anxious to go there, 'cause the invitation told that there would be some kind of TEST.
I was like; "When's the test? What kind of is it? What if I mess it and shatter my own dreams into million peaces? (went little over with that expression -.- It's not ony this blog, I talk with 'clever' idioms in real life too, if I got the chance to be 'poetic' *tries to hold back the laughter*. Me and my 'wannabe writers' mind.)"
The scary thoughts went on and on... "If it's really hard? No math!" (Almost throw up when thinking I would have to do math X.x)

And then they gave the 'daunting' test...

"1) Add 'boxes' to this geometrical picture so that the pile doesn't fall down.
2) How many boxes there are in the finished drawing?

3) Draw a mirror picture of this; .... "

*Crickets chirpin inside my head.*
I look on the other side of the paper with a hollow look in my eyes and... There's nothing. Just three tiny questions.
This is the TEST???? Are you kidding me?


Haha. So I was overly worried obviously, they just wanted to test our outlining abilities (I don't know if that's the right word in English).
The 'box'  thing was definitely not my cup of tea.
I stink with geometrical patterns. But I don't think that's the most important thing when choosing next cosmetology students! :D
More inportant is the essay which I now have to write. It must be awesome!
And of course the motivation is THE MOST IMPORTANT of all.


Next friday I have a interview for the cosmetology schooling and it's on the same school that I visited today. YAY!
Basically I applied for two schooling programs in the same school - the adolecense side of cosmetology program and the adult side of it also.
In the adolecense side I already know I'm qualified to go to the interview (which is going to seal my destiny partly :P With a great interview answers, one spot is mine and with bad ones... You know the other choice, I'm not going to say it just 'cause I'm lil' superstition ).
But in the adult side, I have to do a essay first and then I maybe got the invitation.
Complicated ha?


Hmmm.... Good thing it doesn't show I haven't been in school for a year now. *Queen of sarcasm* 


Here's a photo of my... tired and always as pale face. (just if somebody's interested of my 'info event' makeup and hairdo.) x)
I kept it natural, just in case there would be some kind of interview type of things. (head band and pearl earrings missing from picture.)
I maybe wear that same blouse on friday in the actual interview. :)
Honestly the clothing style I had today doesn't differ from my casual style too much. So I at least didn't over dress myself. :)

'Vanamo' necklace, Neutral makeup with winged liner, ponytail so that my face shows and natural but defined brows (usually my brows are barely visible. haha :D)

Have a good day Lil' readers! Or if is it evening, then: good evening!
You will hear from me soon! There are some tutorial things planned in my calender (the calender that exist in my head. But it's more accurate than the paper one! ;D) and at the end of the week I will tell how the interview went! :)
(If it went great I write, but in other cases... You can quess it. I won't say the other choice out loud, 'cause I'm little superstitious and think that if I do say it, it'll happen that way O_o) 
I'm been silly now, aren't I?
Can't help it, part of who I am. :)))

Thank you for reading! (it was horribly long post. Or at least it looked like it was.)


Tutorial; Cupcake Doomsday


First of all, I just want to say thank you for those of who have given me a vote @Makeup Geek. :)

I really hope that the person who requested me to do a Cupcake Doomsday tutorial, will find her way to my blog and sees this!

On to the step-by step tutorial! (This is my very first tutorial so please bare with me if it isn't perfect. :) Obviously this isn't exact copy from the original look, 'cause I didn't take step-by-step pictures at the first time, but this is basically how I created the look.)

Start by priming your eye with EYESHADOW PRIMER;

Then add a sticky, white base only on the CENTER of your lid (e.g. NYX jumbo pencil. Mine was MUS Hightech lighter) IF YOU AREN'T USING LOOSE SHADOWS, YOU WONT NEED THIS STEP;

Pat the grape color on top of the sticky base. (Meow cosmetics "Doomsday" from the End Of Days Limited Edition collection);

Apply your crease color (MUG "Neptune");

Crease color added (same step as above);

Take a lighter lavender shade and lighten the purple you just applied (MUFE #116), but you can try also plain white;

Now you want to put the SOFT PINK shadow even higher on your crease or even above your natural crease (MUG "Cupcake") Play with this color and the purple until you get the intentity you need;

Add litte bit black on the outer corner (MUG "Corrupt). Add also mix of "Neptune" and "Corrupt" to lower lashline;

BLEND the black inwards with a purple ("Neptune") on your stiff dome blending brush. At this stage you want to keep adding that soft pink and purple almost with every step, since they can fade a way;

Now add pure white (Sugarpill "Tako") on your inner corners;

"Feather" the white (*Do little, sideway storkes towards and on top of the grape color by using flat stiff brush). Wipe the white also towards your browbone + add white to your browbone area to blend harsh lines;

Line your upper waterline and one third of lower waterline with a black kohl pencil. (OPTIONAL); Do a winged liner with liquid liner;

Add two coats of black mascara;

Apply False lashes (Ardell "Babies) and three pink rhinestones to each eye;


Numbers indicates the places of each color, NOT the order of application

I will be happy to answer you, if you have any further questions! Just e-mail or leave a comment!

Thank you Lil' readers, hope this invites you to try create your own Cupcake Doomsday! If you do decide to try this, let me also know how it worked out! :) <3


How To: "Sun Cocktail look" (verbal instructions)


I'm back to tell you instructions for the "Sun Cocktail" look. :)
Later I also might do a step-by-step picture tutorial for this look and for "Cupcake Doomsday" also.
(I was particularly requested to do tutorial for "Cupcake Doomsday")

Products yet again;
* Lime Crime Candy Eye Primer
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Chickadee
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Goddes
* MUFE #02
* Sugarpill Chromalust Loose Shadow - Goldilux
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Corrupt
* Inglot Liquid Liner
* Ardell False Lashes - Babies
Numbers indicates the places where I used each shadow, NOT the order.

1. Prime your eye with eyeshadow primer.
2. Apply "Chickadee" (or any burnt orange) all over the lid with flat stiff brush.
3. Apply ligh/medium yellow to the crease with stiff dome blending brush. (MUFE #02)
4. Add lightly "Chickadee" over that yellow you just added into crease.
5. Add "Goddes" (copper shade) also lihtly to the crease to darken that orange.
6. Then I just played back and forth with orange, copper and yellow until I got that wanted effect and intensity.
8. Pat some glitter insuranse or thin layer of sticky base to the lid.
7. Add Golden loose shadow or glitter to inner and mid parts, but leave outer corner without. (Sugarpill's "Goldilux") (Remember to PAT, DON'T WIPE)
8. Add "Corrupt" (black) to the outer corner very lightly and blend with that "Chikadee" on your blending brush.
9. Take a highlight color (mine was Sugarpill's "Tako") and add to the browbone with soft dome blending brush ---> Blend also harsh lines of the yellow/orange.
(10. I lightent that orange little bith with white on my blending brush.)
11. Apply "Goldilux" to your lower lahsline.
12. Run white eyeliner to your lower tightline.
13. Put on your mascara. (I do my mascara always before false lashes)
(14. Add false lashes - Ardell "Babies")

If you don't have these particular products, don't worry! Use those what you got. Just e-mail (right side bar) me and I can also try to figure out some dupes for you, if you wish! :)


Sun Cocktail


Here's my LOTD. :)

"Sun Cocktail"

Is it obvious that my inspiration came from sunny day? :D
(I didn't manage to take anymore other open eye photos that that above, 'cause my eyes were so teary :( ) 

Product list;

* Illamasqua Skin Base Foundation 01
* MUFE HD Foundation #115
* Some random powder for contouring (1-2 shades darker than my skintone)

* Lime Crime Candy Eye Primer
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Chickadee
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Goddes
* MUFE #02 (?)
* Sugarpill Chromalust Loose Shadow - Goldilux
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Corrupt
* Inglot Liquid Liner
* Ardell False Lashes - Babies

"Goldilux" was really hard to capture on the photo, but it's really gorgeous.

Hope you liked it! I had so much fun doing this look ^.^
Remember to check my Idea Gallery @ Makeup Geek and give your vote!

Now I'm going to enjoy the sunny day! :)
Hope you have a great day Lil' readers!

Feel free to e-mail further questions, or leave a message! :)


Cupcake Doomsday; Top Pick


So exciting, my Makeup look "Cupcake Doomsday" made it into Top Picks in Makeup Geek <3
This is such a huge honour for me 'cause I'm only newbie in that website. :)
(When I found out this, I screamed so loudly our dogs barked at me -.-... I wish I was kidding.)

(Click to see the look posting, where I have the whole product list and instructions how to do the look.)

If I get enough votes in my Makeup Geek Idea Gallery for this look, I will take step-by-step pictures from Cupcake Doomsday and post them here ! :)
(I love the name of this look!!! Haha.)

Thank you for reading!
Remember to subscribe/follow my blog via e-mail Lil' Readers! <3

Mystery Vitamin


Have you ever had that feeling when you brush your long, seemingly healthy hair with your hands and then you suddenly notice a BIG pile of hair on the floor and tangeld between your fingers? First thought usually among women is: "AM I GOING BALD?!?!" (And then we secretly wipe the fallen hair to the trash an with a squeezing feeling in our stomach. haha)

But fear not. (That sounded like some cartoon character.) You probably aren't going bald even if wad of loose hair can be scary vision. More likely you're just suffering from deprivation of vitamin called BIOTIN (also known as Vitamin-H).
For some reason Biotin is kind of a mystery vitamin for many of us. And by 'mystery' I mean many knows for example how important vitamin-C is... Or Omega-3.
But biotin... The first question I have heard when mentioning Biotin, is always: "What?" And then after that "What it does?" And then.... You get the point.

That's why I now try to little bit open this mystery for you by telling my own expierences with Biotin and by answering these common question. :)
(Feel like a ambassador of vitamin-H!) 


- It's a vitamin which improves the quality of your hair and nails. It also can prevent hair to go grey! (Now ladies we don't want grey hair, don't we?)
- It takes part in manufacturing Keratin (protein and key structural of hair and nails.)
- It's sulphur 'based' vitamin (Sorry if I didn't express that with right term.) <--- Sulphud has an impact on the structure of your nails. Ex. garlic, onion and cucumber contains sulphud. (Yay! I can eat onion chips then?)
- Deprivasion causes; hair loss, fragile nails (ex.)

Picture's from Google


- YES! Biotin is safe. As a matter of fact, you get biotin from your regular diet (but quite tiny amounts).
Raw egg yolk, liver, some vegetables and peanuts contains Biotin. (These are the foods that contain relatively high amount.)


I think it's quite common to have a deprivasion of Biotin. I mean think about it; many of us 'suffers' from loss of hair and has... well quite poor nails. (And how many of us really eats everyday liver or RAW egg yolks... those foods which contains the high amunt biotin????) 

For the hair deprivasion we usually blame the season, heat, lack of hair care, styling irons or regeneration.
And nails on the other hand... I at least use to say only; "I just have short, bad nails. They won't grow. Never, ever"
I was blaming my genes??? :D (Genes are only one factor.)
Personally I didn't even think about lack of some vitamin, 'cause my hair was growing quite fast already. It didn't cross my mind that there would be some combining factor between nail and hair growth. I saw hair, nails and skin as a individual parts (if that makes any sense). (BTW not anymore.)


Last summer-fall my hair was badly falling down and it didn't grow well. My nails were even worse than my hair. (Let me tell you, they were so horrible that it seemed like I had scratch stones for hours with my nails. :D)
My skin was also really bad (dry and then again oily, spots, blemishes...), but I'm not going to tell about that matter too much 'cause I felt like biotin wasn't the answer for my skin problems.
Now when I look back I know that failing to get in school was one reason why my skin, nails and hair were so stressed out. (I was quite stressed out and also little depressed.) JUST WANTING TO REMIND; STRESS WILL AFFECT TO YOUR WHOLE BODY.

I ate biotin about month or two after hearing that it could help with my skin problems. Instead of my skin feeling better, I noticed change in my hair and nails;


* My nails grew 'abnormally' fast
* They were strong (no more chipping)
* Healthy color (pink + white strip)
* I had to cut them frequently so that they aren't overly long

Seriously, some even asked me, if I had acrylic nails!


* Grew also faster and stronger
* Was shiny
* Didn't have knots
* Weren't so frizzy (I have natural waves which makes my hair little frizzy)
* No more harsh hair loss

SKIN (?) (There were some little improvements)

* Somehow little smoother
* More healthy looking (healthy glow?)


* 5mg Biotin (10000% compared to the amount you get from diet in a day)
* 15mg Zink (150% -"-)
* 40mg Methionine

I was personally really happy with the 'results'/healthier body. This particular biotin is my absolute favourite, 'cause it contains also Zink (skin) so I don't have to take also Zink capsel.
Over month ago I tried also other Biotin capsels, but I didn't saw same kind of results with it. Maybe 'cause it contained only biotin and on top of that there was much less the vitamin in one capsel. (+ there were only 15 tablets)
I understand not everybody likes to eat 'extra' vitamins from jar, but personally I don't get all the vitamins that I need from my diet (specially what comes to these 'mystery vitamis'). :)


Would I then recomend trying biotin tablets?
- Yes. I do recomend trying biotin, if you feel like your hair or nails are feeling badly. (just make sure you read the product info carefully) :)

If you want more info or you have any further questions about my experiences with Vitamin-H, just e-mail or leave a comment. :)
(Finnish readers; Jos kiinnostuitte tästä kyseisetä biotiini tuotteesta ja haluatte tietää siitä enemmän, laittakaa meiliä niin sähköpostaan lisää infoa takaisin. :))

Remember Lil' readers to take your VITAMINS! ;) <3 


Rainy Day, Happy Day

It's raining today, but that certainly doesn't mean the day is sad day. Know why?
Soooooooooooooo HAPPY x 1000000000000000000!

These precious papers are proof that I'm now one step closer my dream to become a professional Beauty Expert!!!
This journey I will be happy to share with my readers. <3 

Can't even tell you how excited I am! Seriously I'm just giggling here, almost jumping on to walls! Even my hands are SHAKY. >.<

Hope you Lil' Readers have happy day also! <3 :)
( I may post a look later today :)... If I'm able to do my makeup with shaky hands!)

Please subscribe! 
(there's a link on the right sidebar, where you can enter your e-mail)


Cupcake Doomsday


The look I did yesterday ("Cupcake Doomsday") shall be my first published look in this blog! :)

I used some purples and soft pink.
Here's the products list;

* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in "Cupcake" (crease)
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in "Neptune" (crease + lower lashline)
* Makeup Geek Eyeshadow in "Corrupt" 
* Sugarpill Pressed Eyeshadow in "Tako" (inner corner)
* Meow Cosmetics - End Of Days Collection (Limited) "Doomsday" (lid)
* Make up Store HighTech Lighter in "Stardust" (Base color)
* Black kohl pencil (lower and upper waterline)
* Inglot liquid liner (upper lashline)
* Ardell False Lashes #106


1. Add the white sticky base (mine was MUS Stardust)
2. Pat "Doomsday" on top of the base ( on the middle of the lid)
3. Take "Neptune" and blend it into crease with windsor motion.
4. Blend "Neptune" by adding "Cupcake" even higher
5. With "Corrupt" (or any black), make a dot to outer corner and blend it to c-shape
6. Lighten the inner corners with white. (Feather the white little bit on top of the purple)
7. Use the same white as in the step 6 and add highlight to browbone area.
8. Line lower lashline with "Neptune" and darken it little with black
9. Line waterlines with black (also upper lashline with liquid liner)
(10. add false lashes) 


Hope you liked it!
Go and vote in Makeup Geek!

Introducing Myself

Hello and Welcome!

First of all THANK YOU for visiting my page! :)
I was couraged to create a blog... So here I am now!
In this blog I will share some of my experiences with applying to Cosmetology school. And also I would like to share some makeup tips and advices. (Maybe also products 'reviews'... 'experiences' sounds actually better...)

Tehee, that's me. (Tried to choose a picture where I look relatively 'normal'. haha.)
Do I look Asian? (I have been told to have little Asian features. haha Except my sharp nose. ;))

Who am I?;

I'm born in 1992.
My BURNING passion towards makeup and cosmetics on the other hand really ingnited only year or two ago. At the time I'm applying to Cosmetology school, so I'm not a PRO in anything :)
Let's admit it, I have literally makeup addiction, but that doesn't mean I would walk in streets looking like clown! haha.
No, seriously. The picture above shows what I look in public. My makeup addiction is purely connected with the dream of becoming professional Makeup Artist in the future.
But for now, I'm just a WANNABE MUA, who want's to share her world and tips with others ;)
Now your thinking; "Oh, yet another crazy beauty blogger, seen that already..."
And I'm saying; I don't mind if you have already seen and read all the other thousand beauty blogs, it's your choice to read or not to read. (to be or not to be. xD )
Sorry! :D This is how I am, laughing to my own jokes. Point is I'm not going to blog only about beauty products etc. ( I don't even know about them so much that I could.)

Besides, I'm also highly interested in skin care and the chemical side of the beauty industry. I would like to help women/girls (maybe men also?) with finding cosmetics products that are CRUELTY-FREE or VEGAN. This is also my goal in the future, if I get that Cosmetology degree.


Lil' Rin?
:D In middle school my friends called me with a name "Pikku Riina" (Little Riina in Finnish). I thought it would be fun 'artistry name'. Besides, the nickname still descripes me pretty well... 

Lil' Rin (talking in a 3rd person here like a true diva artist) is also a wannabe novelist/author/writer. Makeup and writing is a way for me to execute my imagination. In general I get ideas from make-up to my writings and vice versa. (Also from REAL books, movies, music, nature... I think I shoul stop until there's like hundred things :D) :)

Thank you for reading! <3 
Stay tune for;

* Looks by me
* Makeup tips/advices (but remember, Im no PRO)
* Possible product reviews
* ETC.

You can find my contact info from the right side bar! (I take suggestions, ideas etc.) :)